Saturday, June 14, 2008

Gotta love p.t.

Two actual conversations that occurred at physical therapy over the past week:

Receptionist: I saw your picture in a magazine, you're famous!
Me: Thanks...
P.T. tech: Saw your picture and article.
Me: Thanks...
P.T. #1: Yeah, and your left knee was collapsing in, you need to work on that.
Me: Yeah, that's why I've been going to physical therapy for seven months...

P.T. #2: Hey, did you see how your left femur was rotated in that picture?
Me: Yep, working on it...

P.T. #3 (walking by the room where I'm laying on a table doing exercises): Nice rotated leg.
Me: Thanks...

P.T. #4: Maybe if you weren't an uptight white girl you wouldn't have all these problems.
Me: Hmm, well, there's a theory...
later in the session
P.T. 4 (who is a Caucasian woman as well): Man, you are pasty!
Me: I thought we already established that I was white.
P.T. 4: You're a pasty uptight white girl.
Me: Thanks...


Anonymous said...

WTF is up with these people? Are these really actual conversations?

Jessica Gall said...

Oh yes, real conversations! The one about being a pasty white girl was in jest, but she did repeat the comment numerous times!

Anonymous said...

Wow. If you ever want to chat, feel free to email me at I can add you as a reader to my blog if you're interested.